What does knowing cardinal directions affects in a survival situation?


I’ve seen people share tecniques and tips for defining east/west in a survival situation (using sticks, stones) and I’ve always heard how useful a compass is, but I’ve always wondered why is that? If I’m lost in a forest and I don’t know my surroundings, is a compass still useful to me?

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9 Answers

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A compass, is probably not that useful unless you have training or experience using it.

The old fashioned “10 essentials” for hiking include a compass and a map. These two tools together can be very powerful, but you really need some training and experience with them to make them useful.

Without the appropriate map, a compass looses much (but as others have said) not all of its usefulness. In a survival situation training and experience are very important. Without this, the compass isn’t going to help much.

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