What does knowing cardinal directions affects in a survival situation?


I’ve seen people share tecniques and tips for defining east/west in a survival situation (using sticks, stones) and I’ve always heard how useful a compass is, but I’ve always wondered why is that? If I’m lost in a forest and I don’t know my surroundings, is a compass still useful to me?

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9 Answers

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Most of the time even when you’re lost, you *are* aware of your surroundings to some extent. Like, say you park on a highway that runs north-south and embark on a hiking trail that stays entirely on the east side and doesn’t cross the highway. No matter where on that trail you get lost, if you walk west you’ll eventually hit that highway. Or maybe you know there’s a railroad trach running across the north border of the nature reserve you’re in. Or you go exploring in the woods south of the summer camp.

In all these situations, being able to ID a direction and travel in it is helpful. It’s rare that you’d ever be lost with zero knowledge of the area you’re lost in.

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