What does meters per second per second mean?


I googled this but I still don’t get it. I’m not mathematics inclined at all so literally make this a ELI5!

In: 11

18 Answers

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Tim and Eric start running across the playground. Over 5 seconds, they both move 10 meters. That’s a speed of 10 meters per 5 seconds, or 2 meters per second.
Tim says, “for every second we run, I’m going to go one meter per second faster!”
Eric says, “don’t do it Tim, your hubris will be your downfall!”
By 6 seconds, Eric has run 12 meters, still at 2 m/s. Tim has run 12.5 meters, now at 3m/s.
Tim says, “You can’t possibly imagine my conviction, Eric!”.
By 10 seconds, Eric has run 20 meters, still at 2 m/s. Tim has run 32.5 meters, now at 7m/s.
Eric says, “Tim, your mortal form can’t sustain this!”
By 30 seconds, Eric has run 60 meters, still at 2 m/s. Tim has run 372.5 meters, now at 27 m/s.
Tim says, “Your laws can only contain those who listen to them, Eric.”
By 60 seconds, Eric has run 120 meters, still at 2m/s. Tim has run 1632.5 meters, now at 57 m/s.
Eric says, “TIM! PLEASE I BEG YOU, DON’T DO THIS!”. Tim cannot hear him.
By 120 seconds, Eric has run 240 meters, still at 2m/s. Tim has run 6852.5 meters, now at 177 m/s.
Tim says, “Look at me Eric, witness my triumph!”
By 240 seconds, Eric has run 480 meters and stops. Tim has run 28092.5 meters, now at 237 m/s.
Eric tries to catch his breath, “Tim…don’t…”. Eric’s words are useless. Tim is soon faster than sound.
By 10 minutes, Eric begins to weep. Tim has run 178212.5 meters, now at 602 m/s.
Tim says, “I don’t need Eric, I don’t need anyone.”
By 20 minutes, Tim has run 716412.5 meters, now at 1202 m/s, faster than any any aircraft has flown.
Tim says, “I cast off my mortal bindings, I am unending.” His own ears can’t hear his words.
By 30 minutes, Tim has run 1,614,612.5 meters, now at 1802 m/s.
Eric weeps.
By 60 minutes, Tim has run 6,469,212.5 meters, now at 3602 m/s.
Tim says, “My eyes cannot make sense of the passing images, and yet, something is there.”

By 2 hours, Tim has run 51,782, 425 meters, now at 7202 m/s. He passes Eric, weeping in the playground, as he circumnavigates the Earth.
Eric’s eardrums explode as Tim passes.
By 5 hours, Tim has run 161,946,012.5 meters, now at 18002 m/s, faster than any manned spacecraft.
Tim says, “Eric, I think I perceive something, out there, waiting. I wish you could have been stronger Eric.”
By 10 hours, local search and rescue is fanning out from the playground, hoping to find Tim. No one believes Eric’s cries. “We started racing across the playground, and he started going at 1 meter per second per second, speeding up.” The police shake their heads. “We need a vector, not just acceleration. Please Eric, tell us the truth.” Eric cannot hear him, because his ear drums were destroyed 8 hours ago.

Tim has run 647,892,012.5 meters, and his body is now nothing but energy.

“It’s beautiful Eric. I understand now, I understand everything.” Tim says.

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