What does meters per second per second mean?


I googled this but I still don’t get it. I’m not mathematics inclined at all so literally make this a ELI5!

In: 11

18 Answers

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It’s a unit of acceleration, i.e. how quickly you are *changing* velocity. You can measure velocity itself in meters per second (or, say, miles per hour) which in turn is how quickly you are gaining distance.

Consider the mph example. A vehicle traveling at a velocity of 50 mph will cover 50 miles in 1 hour, of course. But to get to that 50 mph velocity, let’s say it started from a 0 mph standstill and took 5 seconds to reach 50 mph. Its change in speed (50 mph) divided by the time it took (5 s) gives it an acceleration of 10 mph/s. Then, when it reaches 50 mph, its acceleration drops to 0 mph/s again as it continues to cruise at constant velocity.

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