What does Microsoft Access actually do?


All I know is that it’s a “database management system”, and I don’t even know what that means! I have tried fooling around with Access and have gotten nowhere. Where do I start and what is the purpose of this?

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20 Answers

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A database is an app that holds data records in a tabular format. Any data that can be transformed into a table will pretty much benefit from using a form of database. Almost data collected on a form can be tabulated and stored. The best way to store them is to use a database. That’s why databases usually hold many different tables which hold many different columns.

How you arrange the data will have an impact on how flexible the app you can build. For example, let’s use contact app as example. A simple app would have a table for an entry with columns like first name, last name, phone number, email, address, etc. But this is a very static form like entry. A more advance app would have a table for the User. Then on the phone number, address, email table, it has the ID of the User. That way the user can have multiple entries.

Database pretty much runs the internet. Almost any data you call are store on a form of database. A site like reddit would have a much more complicated database and wouldn’t rely on Access, but Access is easier to learn and use for home/personal user. A home/personal user might want to keep business inventory, keep track of payments, etc.

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