what does mother-baby skin to skin contact really do?


Aside from warming, what does it do?

In: 27

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Actually warm it’s not really a part of it.

In the womb the baby is connected to the mothers circulatory system and nervous system. The baby can taste what she’s tasting that’s why sometimes women will have cravings for things because the baby has a craving. It’s a weird concept but it’s something every mother can understand as the craving comes from some other than themselves.
The baby can also feel what she’s feeling and be affected by her health and nutrition.

Skin on skin contact is a lesser version of that connection the baby feeling their mother’s warmth yes but also feeling and hearing her heartbeat and breathing.

There have been many times documented where the baby is having trouble breathing or their heart rate is just slightly wrong and putting the baby on the mother’s chest right above her lungs and right above her heart they will synchronize. Making the baby’s heart stronger and more regular as well as improving their breathing.

This can also be done with twins. I have a friend who had a sickly twin, they were placed in the same crib together because my friend’s heartbeat and breathing was normal but her sisters was weak and labored. A few hours of them being together cuddled up and her sister’s heartbeat and breathing had corrected itself.

Additionally having the child on her chest releases bring chemicals calming both mother and child so they can kind of synchronize in this way it also creates a pheromone connection. You can see this in the father as well the moment they’re holding the child and the child is holding them there can be this switch turned on where the similar DNA recognize each other and creates that mental Bond of parent to child. Mind you the mother has been feeling that Bond for many months.

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