What does my eye prescription mean?


I got this prescription at an eye-checking machine. I feel like my left eye is really bad and doesn’t see well in the distance. What do the results mean exactly?



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18 Answers

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Firstly a prescription won’t tell you your visual acuity (how well you can see), you could have someone with no prescription (Rx) but with some degenerative eye condition that makes them sight impaired.

But, if you assume the eye is healthy based on your Rx you are a very tiny bit myopic (short sighted) with a tiny bit of astigmatism.

If you’re struggling it might be worthwhile getting specs, age is a factor here, if you’re young and symptom free then you won’t need specs, if you’re over 45 these autorefractor results won’t detail if you need specs for close-up or not.

If you struggle with close work and you’re 45+, you may be presbyopic and should have a full sight test to determine your full visual needs.

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