What does synthetic oil do for my car that regular oil does not?


What does synthetic oil do for my car that regular oil does not?

In: 641

60 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

If it’s not recommended for your make/model..? Wastes money.

Unlike premium gas… synthetic oil has been kinda shown to be objectively better and not just engine-specific… *HOWEVER,* oil change intervals are also a big part of testing. Personally I’d only put synthetic oil in a non-synth engine if I were prepared to still change oil almost just as often. This completely nullifies any prayer you have of breaking even price-wise.

Again, it won’t hurt. But most cars that last “forever”; Toyotas, Jettas, etc… People who own the 500k+ mile specimens—to my knowledge—never claim to have used synth oil to get there.

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