what does the PR industry do, and how does it work?

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what does the PR industry do, and how does it work?

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Anonymous 0 Comments

Promote clients *(individual or otherwise)* and manage the public perception of them.

Imagine yourself wanting to ask someone out on a date, but you arent entirely sure how they feel about you. So what do you do? You ask your friend who also knows them if they have *”said anything about you?”*, and then you ask another friend if they think it would be a good idea to ask that person out, and then you ask another person for advice on how to go about asking that person out, and then you ask a mutual friend if they could *”put in a good word for you”*.

All of those people effectively make up your own little PR team lol. Very similar to what PR firms/agencies do. They gather and project information for clients regarding public perception and interests.