What does witness protection usually do to cover up your sudden move?

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I’m confused and want an answer.

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13 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

When you move out, your old identity isn’t used again so it doesn’t matter if it’s suspicious to disappear after a quick/no goodbye.

When you move in to a new place, you have a new identity. People move all the time. If someone moved into your neighborhood would you really be suspicious? It’s not unheard of to move across the country for a job where you don’t know anyone when arriving.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I imagine they don’t hide that you’ve moved. People looking for you are gonna notice you’re gone. It’s more that it’s really hard to find you, after you’ve moved.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Everything about the way that witness protection works is secret.

The secrecy is part of the protection.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Nothing is really done to “cover up” their sudden move. They leave town and that is fairly easily known. What is not known is where they are going.

The country is quite large. Someone leaves town, changes their name, phone number, credit cards, all their previous attachments and associations. How does anyone track them down? The key here is that someone in witness protection breaks off **all contact** with anyone else they knew. Childhood friend? Never speak to them again. Parents and extended family? They won’t know where you went or your new identity, if they aren’t moved themselves.

Nothing needs to be done to cover up their moving into their new town, other than perhaps lying about where they moved from. People move around all the time, there is no way to tell if they are in witness protection or just someone moving normally.

Anonymous 0 Comments

From what we know they give you a whole new identity and enough funds to last you a little while until you get a job in your new life. They give you ( and possibly your family) new names,banks, and new social security numbers. In exchange for your testimony against whoever you needed protection from

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s not unusual for people to move into neighborhoods. I assume they cover up with some shame “for sale” signs to hide their safe houses while they’re not in use so it’s not suspicious when a new family shows up.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I think they “kill” you. When you’re in Witness Protection I don’t think you ever go back, so there’s no need for your old identity anymore.

Anonymous 0 Comments

What happens to a person’s money after all existing debts are paid given they have a new identity?

Anonymous 0 Comments

Nothing. You’re gone and who you were no longer exists. They change your location, name, background, and you don’t speak to anyone you ever knew ever again, everything. The dead guy that you were never “moved”.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’d like to know how getting a job works. Are you basically stuck doing low end jobs because you can’t talk about your previous work history?