hello everyone
I work as a remote graphic designer , I had three shifts with the company im working with but I didn’t receive any work or get contacted by them during those three shifts.
when I asked my manager that I was on the chat but didn’t receive any briefs or work to do during those 3 shifts he told me that I should check in before every shift and that they gonna write off those past three shifts.. so I don’t know if it’s going to be counted for me or not as I need to fill the payment at the end of each month…
I attached the message he replied with in our conversatio so you can have a full aspect of what he said
thank you !
In: 1
Comes from accounting practices.
Let’s say someone owes you 100$. As long as you expect that money back, Generally Accepted Accounting Principles require that you keep track of it (it would be listed as an asset you have).
So every year, in your accounts summary, you’d have the line So-and-so owes 100$ written ON your books.
Now let’s say after 10 years, you basically lose every hope of ever seeing this cash back (the person disappeared from your life, went bankrupt, you’ve forgiven the debt, anything). Then you would basically put the assets in gain and loss (pertes et profits, not sure what the term of art is in English) as a 100$ loss. From then on it’s “written off” in the sense that it doesn’t need to appear in your books anymore.
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