What does “you need to blow the carbon out every now and then” mean in regards to automobiles.


What does “blow the carbon out” really do?

Occasionally, I will see a car in front of me, floor it (gas pedal), and when they do puffs of black smoke, come out the back of the car as the car hits full throttle. What gives?

In: 12

8 Answers

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‘Blow the carbon out’ is also known as ‘The Italian Tune-up’. Basically red line the engine for an extended period to get it to maximum heat and pressures to burn off/blow out any deposits that built up.

This is different from what you’re seeing when a car ‘floors it’. During the latter, you’re seeing incomplete combustion. Basically, the engine is dumping more fuel into the engine than can be fully consumed until all the components, like a turbo catch up. Diesel engines are particularly bad for this.

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