What does “you need to blow the carbon out every now and then” mean in regards to automobiles.


What does “blow the carbon out” really do?

Occasionally, I will see a car in front of me, floor it (gas pedal), and when they do puffs of black smoke, come out the back of the car as the car hits full throttle. What gives?

In: 12

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I believe in this context it means to blow the carbon residue buildup, most common in diesel engines.

Driving short distances and not giving it enough revs doesn’t bring the temperature up enough for that carbon to dissolve and so it builds up, diesel is a bit oily and unlike gasoline so it has much more carbon buildup.

Blowing it out now and than mean’s basically going on a highway and driving for some amount of time in like 3000-3500 or maybe even 4000 rpm so that the engine and rest of the exhaust and intake system can reach temperatures high enough to dissolve that buildup and shoot it trough exhaust cleaning the engine in the process.

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