“Meth mouth” tooth decay is likely caused by a combination of drug-induced psychological and physiological changes resulting in dry mouth and long periods of poor oral hygiene. Methamphetamine itself is also acidic.
Basically, you’re so wacked out of your mind that you don’t notice your mouth falling apart.
* Meth weakens teeth
* Meth smoke is bad for teeth
* Meth addicts tend to neglect oral hygiene.
* EDIT: Forgot about the teeth grinding as well.
Also once had a friend get high on meth and drill a hole straight through a tooth with a tattoo needle. Obviously this isn’t a common way meth ruins teeth, but I thought I’d mention it lol.
Along with other reasons mentioned here, meth acts as a vasoconstrictor. That means the blood vessels constrict. The blood vessels feeding the teeth are affected as well, and those are pretty small (narrow) vessels. It doesn’t take much constriction for them to effectively close completely. No blood flow to your teeth means that the living roots will die.
It’s not the only drug that causes teeth to rot disproportionately of course. If you spend much time in certain places in south east asia and some of the pacific countries nearby, chewing betel nut is something of a way of life, and it’s pretty common to see people in those communities who have no teeth left even by their late twenties. Same reason, it’s corrosive as hell.
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