What exactly are Feynman Diagrams?



I have difficulty comprehending Feynman diagrams. Although I’m a high schooler, could you please explain to me like I’m five as to what exactly a FD *shows* and what it’s used for? Thanks.

In: Physics

3 Answers

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richard feynman worked and developed what is known as quantum electrodynamics (QED). if you’re familiar with what electromagnetic fields are, QED talks about how they interact with charged particles (electrons, positrons etc.) and also interactions of light with matter. a feynman diagram is what is used to represent these interactions and supplement calculations and visualisations of the interactions physicists want to study. in some ways, you could say it’s like the quantum version of a free body diagram which you learn about in mechanics which represents all the forces on a body in a particular situation. it’s tough to explain what all you can infer from one partly because it’s quite a lot of background that is required to understand and also partly because i myself am not knowledgeable enough. but that’s the essence of it. a FD represents the interactions between subatomic particles.

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