What exactly are “Sovereign Citizens”?

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I’ve seen YT vids and FB posts about them, but I still don’t understand. What are they trying to accomplish?

In: Other

14 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

These are people who through a mix of dishonesty, desperation, delusion, dumbassery, and dishonesty maintain that due to their rather selective understanding of the law they are not bound by the laws of the nation. 

Being charitable – they see cases where wealthy and powerful interests are able to have their lawyers achieve improbable wins in court cases by clever arguments phrased in legal language think that if they say similar magic words they can exempt themselves from the law. Basically the legal version of a [Cargo Cult](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cargo_cult)  

Less charitably, a lot of them are criminals who take advantage of the fact law enforcement often can’t be bothered to deal with various types of property crimes between ordinary people, waving even fairly serious crimes away as “it’s a civil matter” – and then the SovCits slow walk the cases through courts, and as long as they maintain the veneer of a Civil dispute they know they’re unlikely to be criminally charged.

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