What exactly do skincare products such as cleanser and moisturiser do to the skin?


What exactly do skincare products such as cleanser and moisturiser do to the skin?

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6 Answers

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Your skin absorbs stuff. Like if you put sunblock on, it basically sinks into your skin. When you use a moisturizer, it does the same thing but scientists made it so it makes your skin healthier.

For cleansers, it’s generally the same as any soap. *But* your face skin is sensitive. *And* sometimes you’ll have stuff that is made to stay on, like lipstick.

What the scientists have done is also make a soap that’s really good at getting all the unwanted stuff off your face. Sometimes there’s what feels like sand or something – this helps scrub your skin gently. They have also made the cleanser so it’s nice to your skin.

Usually the cleanser strips oil your skin makes so it’s a good idea to use a moisturizer. It serves as a barrier to all the nasty stuff in air and helps your skin stay soft!

E: if you’re looking for an actual answer to what these products do in any sort of technical sense, r/askscience or the like.

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