: What exactly does cannabis do to you?


: What exactly does cannabis do to you?

In: 450

93 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

To me?: it makes me feel slow, stupid, gives me a headache, makes me feel sick, time slows down, poor balance, unable to sleep, basically need to be carried by a friend to a bed where I can lie down in and stare at the roof until the hellish experience ends.

I know that’s not most people’s experience which is why I’ve tried it plenty of times in plenty of ways; joints, bongs, vapes, edibles. Everyone is always saying “you just need to find the right strain”. I’ve had shit bought from a sketchy guy in a park and stuff from recreational states where it’s all in mason jars being sold buy a guy with a curled moustache and unironic suspenders. I hate it every single time so at this point I’m confident in saying it just does not work for me and my brain chemistry the same way it seems to work for most people. I’d rather take laxatives and charcoal and vomit and shit myself at the same time than eat an edible gummy ever again.

Anonymous 0 Comments

To me?: it makes me feel slow, stupid, gives me a headache, makes me feel sick, time slows down, poor balance, unable to sleep, basically need to be carried by a friend to a bed where I can lie down in and stare at the roof until the hellish experience ends.

I know that’s not most people’s experience which is why I’ve tried it plenty of times in plenty of ways; joints, bongs, vapes, edibles. Everyone is always saying “you just need to find the right strain”. I’ve had shit bought from a sketchy guy in a park and stuff from recreational states where it’s all in mason jars being sold buy a guy with a curled moustache and unironic suspenders. I hate it every single time so at this point I’m confident in saying it just does not work for me and my brain chemistry the same way it seems to work for most people. I’d rather take laxatives and charcoal and vomit and shit myself at the same time than eat an edible gummy ever again.

Anonymous 0 Comments

To me?: it makes me feel slow, stupid, gives me a headache, makes me feel sick, time slows down, poor balance, unable to sleep, basically need to be carried by a friend to a bed where I can lie down in and stare at the roof until the hellish experience ends.

I know that’s not most people’s experience which is why I’ve tried it plenty of times in plenty of ways; joints, bongs, vapes, edibles. Everyone is always saying “you just need to find the right strain”. I’ve had shit bought from a sketchy guy in a park and stuff from recreational states where it’s all in mason jars being sold buy a guy with a curled moustache and unironic suspenders. I hate it every single time so at this point I’m confident in saying it just does not work for me and my brain chemistry the same way it seems to work for most people. I’d rather take laxatives and charcoal and vomit and shit myself at the same time than eat an edible gummy ever again.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Head spins
Hard to focus thoughts but easy to let them wander
Some strains make you quiet
Others help you gain insight and or socialize and or laugh.
Heart beats despite a relaxing rush (once you get used to it)
Eyes and mouth dry
Hungry and or sleepy
Possibly paranoid (many reasons for this)
If dose is excessive, reduced paying attention, loss of focus on world, fading to sleep
More or less?

Anonymous 0 Comments

Head spins
Hard to focus thoughts but easy to let them wander
Some strains make you quiet
Others help you gain insight and or socialize and or laugh.
Heart beats despite a relaxing rush (once you get used to it)
Eyes and mouth dry
Hungry and or sleepy
Possibly paranoid (many reasons for this)
If dose is excessive, reduced paying attention, loss of focus on world, fading to sleep
More or less?

Anonymous 0 Comments

Head spins
Hard to focus thoughts but easy to let them wander
Some strains make you quiet
Others help you gain insight and or socialize and or laugh.
Heart beats despite a relaxing rush (once you get used to it)
Eyes and mouth dry
Hungry and or sleepy
Possibly paranoid (many reasons for this)
If dose is excessive, reduced paying attention, loss of focus on world, fading to sleep
More or less?

Anonymous 0 Comments

You know that “oh god” feeling when you stand up too quick and that head rush starts? Yeah just that for like 2 hours then you get hungry and sleepy.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments
