: What exactly does cannabis do to you?


: What exactly does cannabis do to you?

In: 450

93 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

You know that “oh god” feeling when you stand up too quick and that head rush starts? Yeah just that for like 2 hours then you get hungry and sleepy.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

You know that “oh god” feeling when you stand up too quick and that head rush starts? Yeah just that for like 2 hours then you get hungry and sleepy.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

Make head very light like it has air good for old grumpys who feel like there head all tight so there not grumpy.

It makes you hungry forget what your doing at times.

There 2 main types one that makes you focus and one that relaxes

I need the relaxy kind because i have mental owwys and my brain works different then others

…( ADHD, severe aunxity ..chronic depression and tramatic memory loss syndrome )

Taking this is cause your friend ask you to smoke some and tryed to explain in full details like most here instead of saying simply the kind you share is…

There many kind but only the one that chills you out more are the ones other are most likely to share

Anonymous 0 Comments

Imagine the positive version of a headache. I know it’s really hard to think about, but that’s what I imagine cannabis to be like. Music sounds better, food tastes better, and you have more sensation inside you.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Panic attacks.

I’ve suffered from insomnia for my entire adult life. Cannabis used to be the only thing that helped with that. Melatonin, Zzzquil, trazadone, nothing actually helped me fall asleep. Only made me sleep past alarms, miss school and work, etc. For years weed was the only thing that would make me pass out.

Until a few years ago. Since then, every time I’ve smoked I would get a panic attack. Not sure what triggered it. I’ve always been a *one hit wonder* never smoked during the day or to get high, just one hit before bed would make me ready to sleep. Haven’t found a good alternative since.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Make head very light like it has air good for old grumpys who feel like there head all tight so there not grumpy.

It makes you hungry forget what your doing at times.

There 2 main types one that makes you focus and one that relaxes

I need the relaxy kind because i have mental owwys and my brain works different then others

…( ADHD, severe aunxity ..chronic depression and tramatic memory loss syndrome )

Taking this is cause your friend ask you to smoke some and tryed to explain in full details like most here instead of saying simply the kind you share is…

There many kind but only the one that chills you out more are the ones other are most likely to share

Anonymous 0 Comments

Make head very light like it has air good for old grumpys who feel like there head all tight so there not grumpy.

It makes you hungry forget what your doing at times.

There 2 main types one that makes you focus and one that relaxes

I need the relaxy kind because i have mental owwys and my brain works different then others

…( ADHD, severe aunxity ..chronic depression and tramatic memory loss syndrome )

Taking this is cause your friend ask you to smoke some and tryed to explain in full details like most here instead of saying simply the kind you share is…

There many kind but only the one that chills you out more are the ones other are most likely to share