: What exactly does cannabis do to you?


: What exactly does cannabis do to you?

In: 450

93 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Thank you for all the responses guys. I’ve been a lot curious about psychoactive substances lately. Read a lot about it on the internet but wanted to know the firsthand experience of people. I was at work and some of the colleagues who have travelled extensively told me about this magic drug but everyone had their own take on it. Some ate it some smoked it … I am religious which inhibits me from trying out these things but These answers were super helpful and y’all are to kind to share your knowledge. Cheers.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Thank you for all the responses guys. I’ve been a lot curious about psychoactive substances lately. Read a lot about it on the internet but wanted to know the firsthand experience of people. I was at work and some of the colleagues who have travelled extensively told me about this magic drug but everyone had their own take on it. Some ate it some smoked it … I am religious which inhibits me from trying out these things but These answers were super helpful and y’all are to kind to share your knowledge. Cheers.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Thank you for all the responses guys. I’ve been a lot curious about psychoactive substances lately. Read a lot about it on the internet but wanted to know the firsthand experience of people. I was at work and some of the colleagues who have travelled extensively told me about this magic drug but everyone had their own take on it. Some ate it some smoked it … I am religious which inhibits me from trying out these things but These answers were super helpful and y’all are to kind to share your knowledge. Cheers.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Honestly, it makes me eat

I was pretty anorexic for a male. Weed helped me reach a healthy weight through actually enjoying food

I hate eating

Anonymous 0 Comments

Honestly, it makes me eat

I was pretty anorexic for a male. Weed helped me reach a healthy weight through actually enjoying food

I hate eating

Anonymous 0 Comments

Honestly, it makes me eat

I was pretty anorexic for a male. Weed helped me reach a healthy weight through actually enjoying food

I hate eating

Anonymous 0 Comments

Makes me feel like myself. I feel normal when I’m high. I can function and do everything that I can when I’m not high. I love the smell of it. I love the taste. I love how there’s so many different kinds. It brings me peace. I’m a rather angry person when I’m not high. Not because it makes me feels good but because I’m a shell of a person. I’ve lost a lot of people in my life. And weed bring me inner peace and nothing can compare. It’s a shame politicians are the ones who control what plants we grow. Weed makes me feel again.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Makes me feel like myself. I feel normal when I’m high. I can function and do everything that I can when I’m not high. I love the smell of it. I love the taste. I love how there’s so many different kinds. It brings me peace. I’m a rather angry person when I’m not high. Not because it makes me feels good but because I’m a shell of a person. I’ve lost a lot of people in my life. And weed bring me inner peace and nothing can compare. It’s a shame politicians are the ones who control what plants we grow. Weed makes me feel again.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Makes me feel like myself. I feel normal when I’m high. I can function and do everything that I can when I’m not high. I love the smell of it. I love the taste. I love how there’s so many different kinds. It brings me peace. I’m a rather angry person when I’m not high. Not because it makes me feels good but because I’m a shell of a person. I’ve lost a lot of people in my life. And weed bring me inner peace and nothing can compare. It’s a shame politicians are the ones who control what plants we grow. Weed makes me feel again.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I wish I could feel what most people that hype it up feel.

I get the opposite it seems. Paranoia and anxiety are the main effects. Then hunger and tiredness. This is usually followed by some negative afterglow for quite sometime.