: What exactly does cannabis do to you?


: What exactly does cannabis do to you?

In: 450

93 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I wish I could feel what most people that hype it up feel.

I get the opposite it seems. Paranoia and anxiety are the main effects. Then hunger and tiredness. This is usually followed by some negative afterglow for quite sometime.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I wish I could feel what most people that hype it up feel.

I get the opposite it seems. Paranoia and anxiety are the main effects. Then hunger and tiredness. This is usually followed by some negative afterglow for quite sometime.

Anonymous 0 Comments

For me: it makes my eyes feel like there’s sand in them, I walk slower and feel more dizzy, I get very cold, I suddenly get the urge to eat everything in sight, I feel very anxious, I always fall asleep within a couple of hours of getting high, and I feel very stupid and smart at the same time.

Anonymous 0 Comments

For me: it makes my eyes feel like there’s sand in them, I walk slower and feel more dizzy, I get very cold, I suddenly get the urge to eat everything in sight, I feel very anxious, I always fall asleep within a couple of hours of getting high, and I feel very stupid and smart at the same time.

Anonymous 0 Comments

For me: it makes my eyes feel like there’s sand in them, I walk slower and feel more dizzy, I get very cold, I suddenly get the urge to eat everything in sight, I feel very anxious, I always fall asleep within a couple of hours of getting high, and I feel very stupid and smart at the same time.

Anonymous 0 Comments

dizzy, hungry, horny, sleepy and euphoric, also an increased interest to do/say things i normally don’t, creativity enhanced, sometimes even closed eyelid hallicinations if it’s strong enough.

basically like alcohol but with no social confidence boost.
People claim that they don’t get a hangover from weed but did you ever met people who recently smoked? their brains are fried for atleast two days, smokers walk around in a hazed zombie mist and for some reason the drug makes you incapable of realising tht you’re acting like this yourself, just like alcohol.
but atleast with booze you feel ashamed afterward.

Anonymous 0 Comments

dizzy, hungry, horny, sleepy and euphoric, also an increased interest to do/say things i normally don’t, creativity enhanced, sometimes even closed eyelid hallicinations if it’s strong enough.

basically like alcohol but with no social confidence boost.
People claim that they don’t get a hangover from weed but did you ever met people who recently smoked? their brains are fried for atleast two days, smokers walk around in a hazed zombie mist and for some reason the drug makes you incapable of realising tht you’re acting like this yourself, just like alcohol.
but atleast with booze you feel ashamed afterward.

Anonymous 0 Comments

dizzy, hungry, horny, sleepy and euphoric, also an increased interest to do/say things i normally don’t, creativity enhanced, sometimes even closed eyelid hallicinations if it’s strong enough.

basically like alcohol but with no social confidence boost.
People claim that they don’t get a hangover from weed but did you ever met people who recently smoked? their brains are fried for atleast two days, smokers walk around in a hazed zombie mist and for some reason the drug makes you incapable of realising tht you’re acting like this yourself, just like alcohol.
but atleast with booze you feel ashamed afterward.

Anonymous 0 Comments

“it doesn’t give you a hangover, its not habit forming, you cant O.D. on it, and it makes sex even better.”

Anonymous 0 Comments

“it doesn’t give you a hangover, its not habit forming, you cant O.D. on it, and it makes sex even better.”