: What exactly does cannabis do to you?


: What exactly does cannabis do to you?

In: 450

93 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

“it doesn’t give you a hangover, its not habit forming, you cant O.D. on it, and it makes sex even better.”

Anonymous 0 Comments

Plenty of scientific explanation down there, but if the question is how do you feel when using it, I’ve always described it as this kind of body-wide pleasure. Like, you know when you feel pleasure in your mouth with delicious food, or in your, um, privates when doing the deed, I sort of feel that, but all over my body and specially in the motions I do. It’s wierd, but so awesome. Makes everything more fun, cause my mind is also open and alert, and I pick up on so many things. Unfortunately all of this does kind of stem from the head downwards, and if I overdo it, then it’s headache city, population one fool.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Plenty of scientific explanation down there, but if the question is how do you feel when using it, I’ve always described it as this kind of body-wide pleasure. Like, you know when you feel pleasure in your mouth with delicious food, or in your, um, privates when doing the deed, I sort of feel that, but all over my body and specially in the motions I do. It’s wierd, but so awesome. Makes everything more fun, cause my mind is also open and alert, and I pick up on so many things. Unfortunately all of this does kind of stem from the head downwards, and if I overdo it, then it’s headache city, population one fool.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Plenty of scientific explanation down there, but if the question is how do you feel when using it, I’ve always described it as this kind of body-wide pleasure. Like, you know when you feel pleasure in your mouth with delicious food, or in your, um, privates when doing the deed, I sort of feel that, but all over my body and specially in the motions I do. It’s wierd, but so awesome. Makes everything more fun, cause my mind is also open and alert, and I pick up on so many things. Unfortunately all of this does kind of stem from the head downwards, and if I overdo it, then it’s headache city, population one fool.

Anonymous 0 Comments

My original comment was removed because you need to make a comment that answers your question exactly. The truth is there is no exact answer. How could I explain to you what it feels like to be happy or absolutely terrified? I couldn’t.

Such a stupid standard for answering a question with no exact answer.

People react differently but in my experience its positive. Like taking a square and softening the edges. You just feel good. Probably a little silly and carefree, definitely hungry. Its a really good thing but again there is no exact answer. We all react differently.

Anonymous 0 Comments

My original comment was removed because you need to make a comment that answers your question exactly. The truth is there is no exact answer. How could I explain to you what it feels like to be happy or absolutely terrified? I couldn’t.

Such a stupid standard for answering a question with no exact answer.

People react differently but in my experience its positive. Like taking a square and softening the edges. You just feel good. Probably a little silly and carefree, definitely hungry. Its a really good thing but again there is no exact answer. We all react differently.

Anonymous 0 Comments

My original comment was removed because you need to make a comment that answers your question exactly. The truth is there is no exact answer. How could I explain to you what it feels like to be happy or absolutely terrified? I couldn’t.

Such a stupid standard for answering a question with no exact answer.

People react differently but in my experience its positive. Like taking a square and softening the edges. You just feel good. Probably a little silly and carefree, definitely hungry. Its a really good thing but again there is no exact answer. We all react differently.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I did not smoke cannabis for 30 years, and then began again. My blood pressure immediately dropped to normal measures. I stopped getting nose bleeds, which I used to get from time to time. Stress, my darlings. It took away all my stress. I was also shooting insulin as a type two diabetic. I no longer have to do that. Because my type two was no longer aggravated by stress.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I did not smoke cannabis for 30 years, and then began again. My blood pressure immediately dropped to normal measures. I stopped getting nose bleeds, which I used to get from time to time. Stress, my darlings. It took away all my stress. I was also shooting insulin as a type two diabetic. I no longer have to do that. Because my type two was no longer aggravated by stress.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I did not smoke cannabis for 30 years, and then began again. My blood pressure immediately dropped to normal measures. I stopped getting nose bleeds, which I used to get from time to time. Stress, my darlings. It took away all my stress. I was also shooting insulin as a type two diabetic. I no longer have to do that. Because my type two was no longer aggravated by stress.