what exactly does dehydration do to your body?


what exactly does dehydration do to your body?

In: 9

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Think of your body as one big battery. You need fluid to make that battery work. When you don’t have enough fluid your body stops (pass out, heat stroke, etc).

Anonymous 0 Comments

In your body, you have trillions of cells. Each cell has a little box that it has inside of it, much like you have a stomach in you.

When this box is full of fuel and water, your cells are happy little grapes! They have all they need to function. When you become too dehydrated, they become unhappy and raisin-like. It’s like you when you’re hungry.

When they have little to no water in them, they cannot function, and die as raisins that lost a little too much water.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Your body needs lots of things transported all over the place and it uses water for a lot of that.

At a large scale it needs water to move food from your mouth through your digestive system and extract the energy and other nutrients from the food. At a smaller scale it needs blood, which is mostly water, to move nutrients around to give you energy, and to carry out waste. All of these things are, in a way, using water to transport important things.

If you get dehydrated, the waterways get clogged up and things can’t move through the water as fast. So you can’t get food and energy in, and you can’t take out the trash. So the trash builds up and you get weak and hungry.