what exactly happens to a newborn baby that cues them to take their first breath of air? When exactly does it happen?


what exactly happens to a newborn baby that cues them to take their first breath of air? When exactly does it happen?

In: 17

12 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Carbon dioxide in the serum. Basically the action to breathe is governed by levels of carbon dioxide not levels of oxygen, the impulse to breathe is to expel the carbon dioxide not to breathe in oxygen. https://youtu.be/cF0rwEd05VY

Anonymous 0 Comments

When the baby is in utero, it is receiving oxygenated blood from the placenta, so it doesn’t have to breathe. Actually its lungs are full of fluid.

There are a couple of different things that trigger a baby to take its first breath. Hormonal changes that are triggered by its mother going into labour, being physically handled by the doctor/midwife, being exposed to oxygen… all tell the baby that it’s not in the uterus anymore.

Most babies take their first breath within about 10 seconds of being born.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Carbon dioxide in the serum. Basically the action to breathe is governed by levels of carbon dioxide not levels of oxygen, the impulse to breathe is to expel the carbon dioxide not to breathe in oxygen. https://youtu.be/cF0rwEd05VY

Anonymous 0 Comments

Carbon dioxide in the serum. Basically the action to breathe is governed by levels of carbon dioxide not levels of oxygen, the impulse to breathe is to expel the carbon dioxide not to breathe in oxygen. https://youtu.be/cF0rwEd05VY

Anonymous 0 Comments

When the baby is in utero, it is receiving oxygenated blood from the placenta, so it doesn’t have to breathe. Actually its lungs are full of fluid.

There are a couple of different things that trigger a baby to take its first breath. Hormonal changes that are triggered by its mother going into labour, being physically handled by the doctor/midwife, being exposed to oxygen… all tell the baby that it’s not in the uterus anymore.

Most babies take their first breath within about 10 seconds of being born.

Anonymous 0 Comments

When the baby is in utero, it is receiving oxygenated blood from the placenta, so it doesn’t have to breathe. Actually its lungs are full of fluid.

There are a couple of different things that trigger a baby to take its first breath. Hormonal changes that are triggered by its mother going into labour, being physically handled by the doctor/midwife, being exposed to oxygen… all tell the baby that it’s not in the uterus anymore.

Most babies take their first breath within about 10 seconds of being born.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It might not go as in depth as you want, but Smarter Every Day did an excellent video on this topic. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CXsiLoQL6NE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CXsiLoQL6NE)

Anonymous 0 Comments

It might not go as in depth as you want, but Smarter Every Day did an excellent video on this topic. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CXsiLoQL6NE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CXsiLoQL6NE)

Anonymous 0 Comments

It might not go as in depth as you want, but Smarter Every Day did an excellent video on this topic. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CXsiLoQL6NE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CXsiLoQL6NE)

Anonymous 0 Comments

Tying this in: we mammals have a reflex where when our face is submerged in water, we won’t take a breath. When free divers surface and black out, their dive buddy blows air on their cheeks which stimulates their system to take a breath.
Is called the mammalian dive reflex.