Well most examples of emp blasts in media like video games show nearby electronics being temporarily disabled or encounter power issues for a short time.
In reality, EMP blasts can cause significant damage to electronics. Depending on the build quality and complexity of the electronics, it could either be temporarily unstable, or completely destroyed depending on the device.
A simple wire would be temporarily unstable and maybe have trouble supplying power or data for a short time. Devices with batteries or capacitors could very likely catch fire or become destroyed.
Any current running through a wire, makes a magnetic field. The more current, the larger the field. But the opposite is also true, if you run a wire thru a moving magnetic field it induces a current in the wires.
So if you have electronics that are designed for micro amps worth of current, but you subject it to a very strong magnetic field, way more current than it was designed for can run through for a short time. This will destroy parts of the electronics.
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