What exactly happens when you deposit more than $10,000 at a bank?


What exactly happens when you deposit more than $10,000 at a bank?

In: Other

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

USA here. Nothing abnormal. When my house burned down I was given three different checks. The total was around 350k. I walked in “May I deposit these into my checking?”

“Here’s your deposit receipt. Have a nice day.”

Anonymous 0 Comments

Nothing happens per se. These rules are designed to prosecute people who knowingly or willingly structure their deposits to avoid filling out the form. It’s a really easy crime for prosecutors to bring and doesn’t require the funds to be from a nefarious source. The crime is the manner in which the funds were deposited.

Example: Ms. X deposits an average of $20k a day in four transactions. Unless she’s spreading it for legitimate purpose (business, savings, personal) it’s likely she’s structuring to avoid scrutiny.

From a legal stand point look at this way: 99 percent of people deposit their money in one shot. If you’re the 1 percent making erratic deposits and the value exceed 10k or more over a period of time it’s easy for a jury to infer sceniter or the specific intent required by the crime.


Anonymous 0 Comments

If you’re in the US the bank notifies the IRS. The IRS takes note, and may decide to investigate where you got the money from. If your tax records don’t look like someone who should be making $10,000 deposits on the regular you may get audited.

Anonymous 0 Comments

In the USA, this: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Currency_transaction_report

They can file an SAR (suspicious activity report) at any dollar value, though.