What exactly is a trauma?


What exactly is a trauma?

In: 7

10 Answers

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Trauma is defined in the dictionary as a deeply distressing or disturbing experience. It’s interesting this forum is geared to the simple explanation because there are many of us who have experienced childhood trauma. The way trauma gets locked into our systems is through the breath. When an event occurs, the breath is held momentarily and the experience becomes a part of who we are. For example, child puts hand on stove for the first time and learns how to burn. Another extreme example and one just as devastating is to tell the child she or he is unworthy in any form. A traumatic and true example of this is the christian family who rejected the child because of his need to be a her. He/she walked into the school he/she attended and let loose the trauma experienced in childhood. Imagine if the child was given the opportunity to heal the original event, would the need for murder have occupied the thoughts?

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