What exactly is aging?


On a cellular level, what is the exact process?

In: 11

7 Answers

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As simple as I can be: (btw I’m in no way qualified) Your DNA gets read every time a cell wants to do stuff like make proteins. It can handle DNA like robots moving boxes in a huge warehouse (flawlessly), but sometimes it can mess up because thats just how all things biological are. The DNA can be changed or affected in some way, which changes the instructions that the cell follows to do whatever. Over time, these changes accumulate and can make the cell less efficient, less capable or even get confused and think its another cell (sometimes the elderly will grow hairs on weird parts of their body like shoulder, and thats because the really old skin cells change their DNA so much that they think they are hair cells!). Eventually, enough of the cells in your organs/immune system get old and wear out until some disease easily overcomes the body, resulting in dying of old age (the exact cause of death was some disease, but it was also caused by old age so thats what we call it). That’s a high schooler’s memory of biology class anyways, I think its all accurate but idk

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