What exactly is an EMP (Electromagnetic-pulse)? Isn’t light just an electromagnetic beam? How exactly is light and electromagnetism connected?


Hello all,

I’m working on a sci-fi project rn, and one of the creatures communicates telepathically via electromagnetic waves. However, I’m kinda confused as to exactly what “electromagnetic” means. EMPs, electromagnets, and (from what I can tell) light are all electromagnetic, what do they have in common that makes them such?

Thanks in advance 🙂

EDIT: I know I said “how is these things connected in the title”, forgive my grammar mistakes ;-;

In: 5

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Electromagnetic waves are essentially the same thing as light: everything you know about light is true for electromagnetic waves – they shine, they reflect from things, they pass through things, etc.

You can think of them as a colors, that our eyes cannot see. Radio, microwave and infrared are colors “redder than red”. Ultraviolet, x-ray and gamma are “bluer than blue”.

If you could somehow see all those colors, you would see interesting things. You would see, that everything in your room actually shines infrared color. You would see your WiFi router and your phone have an “microwave lightbulb” inside. You would see satellite dishes as a spotlights, pointed into space. And satellites themselves – as a bright “stars” in the sky. And radar dishes – as a microwave cameras with a flash.

You would also see, that magnets shine when you move them, that any wire with AC current turns into a lightbulb, and so on. When you tune your radio, what you actually doing is picking a “color” of the station you want to hear.

Now, EMP is just a “flashbang”. It is a short, but very bright flash of light, that makes everyone watching it go temporary blind (or sometimes even permanently).

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