What exactly is DejaVu, like I know what it is and I’ve had it but what does it stem from? Is it neurological based off of past memories, it’s so strange to me.


What exactly is DejaVu, like I know what it is and I’ve had it but what does it stem from? Is it neurological based off of past memories, it’s so strange to me.

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9 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

From the article i linked below-

“The feeling may arise when that recognize familiar situations get activated inappropriately, says Akira Robert O’Connor, a cognitive psychologist at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland, who researches déjà vu. When this happens, another region of the brain then checks this feeling of familiarity against your recall of past experiences. When no actual matches are found, the result is a discomfiting sense of having seen it all before, accompanied by the knowledge that you haven’t.”


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