Okay so I have seen a lot of explanations over the internet, all of them different from one another. I know what DID is but how does it work/how does one feel with it. Does the person forgets everything once the other personality ‘takes over’? Does the person remember what he did in his other personality once he returns back to normal? Does the person have control over when to change personalities. How does this whole thing work?
In: 6
It *might* not exist.
Link: https://www.npr.org/2011/10/20/141514464/real-sybil-admits-multiple-personalities-were-fake
Some psychologists think it’s real, some think it’s not real. Link: https://www.psychologytoday.com/ca/blog/psych-unseen/202302/the-debate-over-whether-dissociative-identity-disorder-is-real
Due to the disagreements, even among psychologists who think it’s real, getting people to agree on how it works is difficult.
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