What exactly is “liquidity”?


I’ve been getting into finance, stonks and crypto lately and I love researching and learning. But one word I’ve never fully understood is “liquidity”.

What is it?
Does it mean cash?
Does it mean a bunch of stocks?
Is it a noun, an adjective?
What does it mean to provide liquidity?
What does it mean to liquidate?
What does it mean to be solvent/insolvent?

I’ve looked on many different articles and sources and I still can’t find a way of thinking about it that makes sense in all uses of the word

In: 7

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Liquidity is a term used to define the portion of your net worth that is readily available to be used. Cash is a perfect example of liquidity. But property is not liquid (or illiquid) because it takes a really long time to sell.

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