what exactly is marketing.? like, if someone spends 4 years studying marketing, what do they actually learn?


what exactly is marketing.? like, if someone spends 4 years studying marketing, what do they actually learn?

In: 4

8 Answers

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If someone spends 4 years studying marketing generally they have done a basic year of business where they will try out intro to accounting intro to macro or micro economics.

Some of the courses will be breadth requirements may be a history class or another language.

Some amount of marketing will go to what people are talking about how to create an advertisement how to display a product favorably. What is and isn’t legal presentation. How to use different platforms forms like online versus newspaper versus a billboard or bus add

Marketers also put a huge focus into learning markets and dissecting trends. It’s great that you can build an ad that appeals to 14 year olds but you also need to show me that there are enough 14 year olds willing to buy my product or get their parents to buy my product. This is where market analysis is important.

There are some other basic things like generally you go over human resources, talent acquisition, trading commodities.

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