What exactly is “Net neutrality” all about?

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I remember people flipping out about it a few years ago and tried looking into it, but I was still confused on what it actually is. I recently heard the term come up again while watching an older video on YouTube and was hoping someone could simplify it

In: Technology

12 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

In it’s simplest form, it was basically a rule that kept ISPs from influencing bandwidth and what you could look up, like for example slowing your internet connection *way* down if you’re looking at a site that doesn’t conform with the companies views.

Or, let’s say COX/Comcast/whatever ISP strikes a deal with X streaming service, on X streaming service your internet works fine, but now W/Y/Z streaming services are throttled and you can only view them at 360p due to them slowing your internet down.

Or one of said ISPs has a deal with google, so google loads perfectly fine, but then you try to use something like Yahoo, they can slow it down entirely to barely load.

Net Neutrality was giving users the freedom to use the internet as they please, rather than being forced to conform to a companies views/policy.

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