What exactly is “Net neutrality” all about?

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I remember people flipping out about it a few years ago and tried looking into it, but I was still confused on what it actually is. I recently heard the term come up again while watching an older video on YouTube and was hoping someone could simplify it

In: Technology

12 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It means that all traffic on the internet has the same priority.

Stuff like: your ISP can’t slow down all non-google search engines because google pays them.

A neutral net functions like a road network. No matter what your destination is, you can drive the same speed limit as everyone else. In a non-neutral net people can pay extra to reserve an entire highway lane just for themselves, or a business can rent a lane solely for people who want to shop at their place (and both of these obviously slow down everyone else because there is only so much road/internet)

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