What exactly is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, and how is it different from pop culture representations of it?


What exactly is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, and how is it different from pop culture representations of it?

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9 Answers

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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder or OCD is neurological condition that causes people to have severe Compulsions or Obsessions.

For example someone with OCD might be obsessed with germs (a germaphobe) leading to a compulsion to excessively clean or wash their hands.

In severe cases a person with this compulsion might become too scared to leave the house rather than risk being exposed. Might wrap everything in plastic, refuse to touch people or shake hands, decontaminate their personal belongs, constantly wear a mask, or even wash their hands so frequently as the damage their skin and nails.

Other compulsions might include excessively sorting and organizing, constantly check if the doors are locked, or an obsession with counting things as examples.

OCD is often trivialized because many people have the compulsion to clean frequently, or need to have things perfectly straight and organized but this isn’t necessarily due to OCD.

While people who suffer from more severe examples of it need serious help to be able to function in a healthy manner.

Imagine getting that feeling of “Did I leave the stove on?” randomly during the day and it causing you so much anxiety that it drives you mad to the point where you can’t even function until you go home to check.

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