What exactly is sealioning?


What exactly is sealioning?

In: 319

15 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s when you’re losing an argument so you start moving around on your belly and clapping your hands together.

When the opposition makes their points you just respond “ooh ooh”

Typically this is followed by moving to a fish only diet.

Some take it so far as to fully become aquatic.

It’s a logical fallacy known as an ad sigillim attack.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Alternative take. I’m sealioning this weekend

Wife and kids both away and there’s sooo much sport to watch. The only thing getting me off the lounge for the next 48hrs is UberEats

Anonymous 0 Comments

Internet abused terms like gaslighting, guilt tripping, straw man fallacy, dichotomy whatnot and now are ready for another one

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s a real thing that people frequently do online – it’s terrible and it needed to be addressed. It’s also now a thing people can (and do) claim is happening anytime they can’t answer a question and want to escape a conversation without admitting error. The internet is terrible.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It is a bullshit term that was invented by people who didn’t like that their assumptions were being challenged.

It used to be, before ~2014, that if you posted something to the Internet, you obviously were inviting people to civilly disagree with it or challenge your assumptions. Otherwise why would you post it, if you didn’t want to debate it?

Around the time that this term was invented (certainly not coincidentally), this changed. Now people just want to live within their little bubbles of like-minded people, and that’s if they’re not actively trying to censor the other side talking even to each other. Hardly any open-minded people on the Internet anymore.

The term means basically “someone challenges the basic assumptions of my thinking and I don’t like that”. It would be great if we could again have places to debate contentious issues on the Internet, but people clearly don’t want that.