what exactly is the cosmic microwave background?

280 viewsOtherPlanetary Science

Is it a map of the observable universe? Is it the big bang? Very unclear

In: Planetary Science

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

To elaborate (slightly) on the fantastically-named u/BoobsBlissfulBabe’s response, you can view the CMB as a photograph of the universe as it was at roughly 300,000 years old.

It hinges on a tight coupling between photons (“particles” of light) and electrons in hydrogen atoms. Quantum mechanics tells us that there’s a minimum energy a photon needs to knock an electron out of the atom. After the Big Bang, every photon in the universe was energetic enough to do this — so the universe was a massive, cosmic game of billiards. A photon would slam into a hydrogen atom, dislodging the electron and leaving the nucleus (a proton). That electron would then slam into a proton, forming a hydrogen atom… and releasing a photon or photons with the excess energy. Rinse and repeat.

The universe, though, was expanding — and as you’ll know if you’ve ever pumped up tyres by hand, compressing gases makes them hot, and conversely expanding them makes them cooler. Similarly with the universe as a whole. At roughly 300,000 years old, it grew cold enough that there were fewer and fewer photons that would knock electrons out of hydrogen, and soon there were none.

Suddenly photons could “free-stream” — just carry on their merry way, through the ages, until eventually they hit our televisions and radio telescopes, including one run by Penzias and Wilson for Bell Labs who picked up a consistent, irritating static. After cleaning out all the pigeon poo from their radio telescope they still had this annoying static. It was quickly realised that this was actually static made by photons from the CMB.

The net result is that Penzias and Wilson got a Nobel prize for, essentially, cleaning their telescope of pigeon poo; and that we have in the sky a photo of the universe as it was a few hundred thousand years after the Big Bang. Of course, that photo’s screened: predominantly, the galaxy gets in the way, and so does any amount of intervening matter. Even so, it’s an extraordinarily rich source of information on cosmology.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The (CMB) is the faint gloww frm the Big Bang. It’s leftover heat frm the early universee, showing us what it looked like when it was young. This helps scientists understand how the universe expanded & cooled over time.

Anonymous 0 Comments

In the early moments of the universe, it was very hot. So hot that electrons and protons couldn’t stick together, so there was a steady glow almost like in a neon lamp.

The universe expanded and cooled. The glow stopped. The light from that glow was then allowed to continue moving through the universe. As it expanded more, the light got stretched out and went from being ultraviolet light down to radio waves.

The CMB is these radio waves. Leftover radiation from all directions produced in the very early universe. There are patches of the sky where it’s brighter or dimmer, and that’s what you see in maps of it.

Anonymous 0 Comments

You know how iron glows red then white when it gets really hot? It is emitting electromagnetic radiation with wavelength proportional to its temperature. So the hotter it gets, the shorter the wavelength it emits (longer wavelength = lower energy, shorter wavelength = higher energy). This is why it goes from red to white. Now, this doesn’t just happen with iron and metal, literally all matter emits radiation that is proportional to its temperature. This radiation is only in the visible spectrum when its really hot, but warm bodies and objects emit radiation in the infrared range (longer wavelength than red), which is how infrared night vision works, you are literally seeing “heat”. This phenomenon occurs all the way across the electromagnetic spectrum. Cooler bodies emit longer wavelength radiation. When the universe was young, it was very hot and likely very “bright”, but as it expanded and cooled the radiation it emitted shifted from visible light to infrared eventually all the way down to microwave radiation, which is what we see in every direction that we look in the universe today.