What exactly is the difference between a neurological illness of the brain and a mental illness?


What exactly is the difference between a neurological illness of the brain and a mental illness?

In: Other

5 Answers

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A mental illness occurs in a healthy brain that is structually identical to that of other people, however, something causes the brain to not act in the normal way. An example for this would be depression.

A neurological condition on the other hand isn’t caused by some imbalance in brain chemistry or the like, but rather by the fact that the brain itself is structurally different from the average person, and such the brain cannot function like that of everyone else to begin with. An example of this would be autism spectrum disorder.

You could compare this to hardware and software. A mental illness would be akin to a coding error in a software. The computer is running just as intended, but the code it’s running has a bug that causes it to behave in unintended ways, whereas a neurological condition would be the computer itself being built differently (Such as the processor using a different rounding function) and giving you a different output as a result (For instance, a platform moving up and down in a video game slowly moving upwards, thus causing the platform to meander upwards ever so slightly each cycle, moving it up above the level border if you allow enough time to pass)

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