if I get it right, Empathy is when you can recognize what the other person is feeling, AND you also take on some of those emotions, like, if someone is sad, you become said, when someone is happy, you become happy, etc.
Compassion is specifically for when you learn someone is in a negative situation, and you feel concern and sadness about the fact itself.
Thus, if someone has low empathy, they don’t just have a harder time recognizing what the other feels, but also have a harder time taking on those emotions, is that correct?
In: 11
I wouldn’t worry about trying to define the differences too precisely. Both are pretty broad words with multiple shades of meaning, many of which overlap quite a bit. Empathy tends more towards being about the process of feeling another’s emotions, and compassion tends more towards being about concern for the suffering of others, but you can’t really draw bright solid lines around words like this. Depending on the context or who is using them, they might mean exactly the same thing, or rather different things.
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