What exactly is the difference between the 10(?) dimensions?


What exactly is the difference between the 10(?) dimensions?

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2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

If you subscribe to string theory I thing it goes: length, width, depth, time, possible worlds with slight differences, worlds with the same start, with different decisions leading to different outcomes, seventh is with a different big bang, eighth is the same but stretches into infinity, ninth we can view every possible history, lastly the tenth where everything is possible.

The six extra dimensions of string theory govern possibility and different outcomes. They are unobservable to us and are thought up to fill gaps in the theory. Like anti-mater. (We can’t account vor 70% of the universe’s weight; must be something we can’t see -> anti-matter) ten dimensions is the minimum needed for string theory to be consisted

Anonymous 0 Comments

It really depends on what you mean by different dimensions.

String theory has our three spatial dimensions and a time dimension with the extra one describing different possibilities and outcomes.

If you just want to talk spatial dimensions. The best way to define it is that in two dimensions you have two possible directions of travel (Forwards / Backwards and Left / Right) each of which is at right angles from any other direction of travel. In three dimensions you add up and down so you have three directions to travel with each direction being 90 degress from any other. So for four dimensional space you just add an extra direction of travel and it will be 90 degrees away from any other direction. You go on in this same manner to reach 10D space which would have 10 directions of travel each of which is 90 degrees from any other.