What happens at the “edges” of the visible light spectrum?


We can “see” light between 380 and 700 nanometers, but what happens at the egde and just after that? I mean, when we approach the limit like 699-700-701-705…
Does it turn completely dark/invisible/something else immediately or is there some kind of gradual change?
Is it the same on both ends?

In: 17

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It just kind of gets darker and darker until we can’t see any light anymore.

We talk about being able to see 380-700nm, but our eyes are organic and the cutoff isn’t that exact. Some of our cells will be a _bit_ better as seeing light at the edge of the spectrum than others, so it will just appear darker and darker as there are fewer and fewer cells able to see the light.

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