What happens during a big earthquake that is dangerous?

149 viewsOtherPlanetary Science

I moved to Vancouver Island a few years ago and have only recently found out that we are overdue for a massive earthquake of around a 9 magnitude. I’ve also realized that I have no clue what actually occurs during a massive earthquake. I know the ground shakes with smaller ones, but does it break open with big ones? Do people fall into holes in the ground? I guess I’m really asking what danger will I be in other than buildings collapsing if I’m in them?

Because apparently this earthquake will kill most of my city, but how would the earthquake kill any of us aside from buildings pancaking us?

In: Planetary Science

10 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Biggest quake I experienced was Northridge in 94, 6.7 magnitude and I was roughly 20 miles away from the epicenter. I was really young but I’ll never forget it.

I can’t speak for Vancouver but California homes are built to code to withstand earthquakes so there was little fear of the house collapsing but any shelves or bookcases not secured to a wall were toppled. Consider anything on those shelves as potential projectiles.

Loss of electricity almost instantly so it was pitch black (happened at 4am) Kitchen was full of broken plates and glasses. Our chimney got ripped off the side of the house and the bricks went through the neighbor’s windows.

Another neighbor shut off our gas just in case of a leak but that meant it was cold… but it was Los Angeles cold so not unbearable.

We were always taught in school to get under a table. Don’t stand in a doorway, it could slam and break fingers. Wherever you are is usually safer than wherever you’re trying to get to, so hunker down and know it’ll be over soon.

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