What happens if a sovereign marries another sovereign?

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Let’s say that Queen Elizabeth II of England were to marry King Juan Carlos I of Spain (hypothetical). What would happen to their realms if these two sovereigns were to marry. What about their titles? Would their kids be in line to the Spanish throne, British throne, or both?

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11 Answers

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There’s has many cases as there’s title inheritance rules.

One important thing to remember is that titles are *not* merged.
You can be King of Spain AND King of England for exemple, but it’s too different titles.

Historically, one of the major wars in Europe was the “War of the Spanish Succession”, where the future King of Spain, Philip of Anjou was also the grandson of French King Louis XIV.

The risk of that man controling at some point both France’s armies and Spain’s gold was seen as too big of a risk by Great Britain and Austria, hence 15 years of war.

It ended with a kind of draw, with Philip of Anjou still becoming King of Spain, but renouncing any claim on the French throne.

That’s a non issue in modern times where kings are just decoration, but it still illustrates that even then, legal inheritance rules were only as strong as the armies backing them.

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