what happens if you eat some Carolina reaper? Is it dangerous or healthy?


what happens if you eat some Carolina reaper? Is it dangerous or healthy?

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8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I ate a raw reaper last year.

Your mouth feels like it’s in fire and it burns down to your collar bone.

A number of people have to be hospitalized after eating them

Anonymous 0 Comments

I ate a raw reaper last year.

Your mouth feels like it’s in fire and it burns down to your collar bone.

A number of people have to be hospitalized after eating them

Anonymous 0 Comments

Potentially yes, Capsaicinoids bind to the TRPV1 receptor in mammals to simulate the body’s response to overheating, resulting in sweating and other cooling attempts. These processes can reach extreme levels and injure the person sometimes critically. https://youtu.be/DbluR1DhTSQ

Anonymous 0 Comments

Potentially yes, Capsaicinoids bind to the TRPV1 receptor in mammals to simulate the body’s response to overheating, resulting in sweating and other cooling attempts. These processes can reach extreme levels and injure the person sometimes critically. https://youtu.be/DbluR1DhTSQ

Anonymous 0 Comments

>Is it dangerous or healthy?

Kind of neither, and both. Just like pretty much anything edible, in the right amounts it is not dangerous and can add some nutrition to your diet (it’s still a vegetable like bell peppers, just a lot more “flavorful”)

That being said, if you are sensitive to or overindulge in capsaicin it can be an irritant and *potentially* cause chemical burn type damage (it’s the active ingredient in a lot of pepper sprays, and medicines)

Anonymous 0 Comments

>Is it dangerous or healthy?

Kind of neither, and both. Just like pretty much anything edible, in the right amounts it is not dangerous and can add some nutrition to your diet (it’s still a vegetable like bell peppers, just a lot more “flavorful”)

That being said, if you are sensitive to or overindulge in capsaicin it can be an irritant and *potentially* cause chemical burn type damage (it’s the active ingredient in a lot of pepper sprays, and medicines)

Anonymous 0 Comments

There is nothing inherently dangerous about eating a Carolina Reaper. There is a chemical reaction to the capsaicin which our brains perceive as pain. No actual damage is being done to the mouth, stomach or throat. That being said, certain individuals can have stronger reactions, sometimes due to an allergy to Nightshades.

I recommend watching some more on this from [Ed Currie](https://youtu.be/DbKUlXG90G0?si=1fif3wYj4HccJwP8) who cultivated the Carolina Reaper and has eaten quite a few Reapers in his time.

Anonymous 0 Comments

There is nothing inherently dangerous about eating a Carolina Reaper. There is a chemical reaction to the capsaicin which our brains perceive as pain. No actual damage is being done to the mouth, stomach or throat. That being said, certain individuals can have stronger reactions, sometimes due to an allergy to Nightshades.

I recommend watching some more on this from [Ed Currie](https://youtu.be/DbKUlXG90G0?si=1fif3wYj4HccJwP8) who cultivated the Carolina Reaper and has eaten quite a few Reapers in his time.