What happens if you put too much oil in a car?


What happens if you put too much oil in a car?

In: 2

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Depends on how much its over filled, a quart and it will foam up from the crankshaft. When I worked at a dealership a woman bought a new car and “filled it up” with oil, she opened the filler cap and put oil in until she could see it. It cost her 3k to get the motor fixed.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Interesting. Thanks for the info.

Anonymous 0 Comments

If the crank shaft spins and contacts a pool of oil, it will “whip” it into a bubbly/foamy oil. Little bubbles of air pockets equal no oil coverage as they make their way between moving parts. Ironically, too much oil creates a situation similar to too little oil.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s similar to wading through an ankle-deep puddle versus waist-deep water. The deeper liquid offers a lot more resistance against movement. At high speeds, this resistance can become really, really strong and start breaking things (or at the very least, causing undue wear and tear).