what happens inside the body when athletes get a “2nd wind”?


what happens inside the body when athletes get a “2nd wind”?

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11 Answers

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It’s motivation usually causes by morale. This can come in different forms.

One is inspiration – a new purpose, or revelation. This can come from seeing a winning strategy that you didn’t see before or a sudden realization that losing is not an option.

Another is morale. In a losing situation, gallows humor can really boost morale and result in unpredictable or reckless behavior that can route a solid formation of movement once plans of settled. You see this most frequently in warfare.

Then there is also biological. After a certain amount of exhaustion or stress, your body taps into its reserves and starts burning those rapidly. Wits become sharp, muscle become strong, and propose becomes established. You see this in an individual under extreme stress and exhaustion has taken hold. It can’t last long, but it’s absolutely terrifying when you see it. They become akin to a demigod.

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