What happens to blood after it’s been tested?


I had another blood draw today for my GD test and it made me curious- what happens to the blood after the lab tests it? How is it disposed?

In: 1465

27 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I was wondering if it could be used for blood donations if logistics were very well composed. But also noticed they have something in the viles other that blood.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Our lab keeps blood for 7 days for additional testing if any is ordered (and the specimen is appropriate), then we toss it in the biohazard trash and a company picks it up to be destroyed off-site.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Medical waste is generally incinerated.

Hospitals usually have an incinerator in their basement, while smaller clinics may rely on a centralized collection and incineration system.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

Some is donated to vampires. The rest is used in safe satanic rituals (after all, why work hard for the blood of a virgin when there’s do much already available in the lab!)

But for real, it just gets incinerated.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments
