what happens to electrons when they reach the positive post?


My understanding of batteries is that chemical reactions inside of them produce electrons than then flow through the electric circuit and to the positive post. What happens to those electrons when they reach the positive post?

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5 Answers

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Imagine a roller coaster ride. The negative terminal of the battery is the beginning part of the ride where the roller coaster gets brought all the way up to the top. It is then release and you go wheeeeee through the whole circuit.

So what happens when you finally reach the starting point again? Well, you can brought up to the top again. That’s what the battery does. The positive terminal is the top of the ride (think positive gravitational potential energy) and the negative terminal is the bottom of the ride, or the starting point where people board the roller coaster. The entire roller coaster ride is the electrical circuit. The energy that you get when you are brought to the top is converted into other (usually useful) forms of energy.

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