what happens to fish during hurricanes

72 viewsOtherPlanetary Science

Do they make it onto land? where do birds go? if all the bugs drown what happens to the ecosystem?

In: Planetary Science

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

especially during big ones like helene . or major tsunamis too. do they have survival instincts

Anonymous 0 Comments

Hurricanes really churn up the surface but that effect diminishes pretty quickly under the surface, assuming the water isn’t too shallow. The fish are fine. Birds, on the other hand, get trapped in the eye and are forced to fly with the hurricane until it falls apart. Or they do.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Many animals can sense the weather changes and flee.  This would include air and likely water. I dont know _where_ the birds would fly, save for in the opposite direction of the storm.

 As for fish and anything else that might have been in the ocean ending up on land. Waterspouts can cause a weather condition called a rain of frogs, which is exactly what it sounds like, and a hurricane is a massive waterspout. Same thing can happen to fish. Sucked up and spat out.

Anonymous 0 Comments

We have birds that hunker down on our property. They go to ground, turn into the wind and just ride it out.

Anonymous 0 Comments

dude fish are usually chill even in hurricanes some get tossed around but most stay in the water chillin while the storm passes. birds fly to calmer spots cause they know what’s up. bugs might drown but nature’s wild it always finds a way to bounce back so yeah life finds a way

Anonymous 0 Comments

Answer: Most animals have senses that inform them of incoming storms and will flee well in advance. Many do not survive, however, just like humans who are left behind or choose to stay. Insects that are wholly terrestrial can often survive simply because they’re highly resilient and can either go dormant or hide in small air pockets in floods or burrow underground. Flood waters also rarely reach treetops and bugs can hide inside or on top of trees. Hurricanes also don’t usually affect a massive area geographically speaking with the worst damage, only the coasts, so animals that previously lived inland will move towards the coasts and pick up any places in the food chain that were wiped out.